The Credits API

AASHE provides access to the STARS Technical Manual through the API in the form of the Credits API, which allows you to navigate each CreditSet (version of STARS), from the top level down through Categories, Subcategories, Credits, and Documentation Fields.


See the STARS Technical Manual for more information about STARS Credits.


This API supports GET requests only.

Credit Sets

Credit Sets represent versions of STARS, such as 1.0 or 1.1.

List URI


Sample Output (truncated):

        meta: {
                limit: 20,
                next: null,
                offset: 0,
                previous: null,
                total_count: 3
        objects: [
                        categories: [
                                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/category/1/",
                                        title: "Education & Research"
                                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/category/2/",
                                        title: "Operations"
                        release_date: "2010-11-02",
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/creditset/2/",
                        version: "1.0"
                        categories: [
                        release_date: "2011-02-09",
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/creditset/4/",
                        version: "1.1"
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/creditset/5/",
                        version: "1.2"

Object URI


Sample Output (truncated)

        categories: [
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/category/1/",
                        title: "Education & Research"
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/category/2/",
                        title: "Operations"
        release_date: "2010-11-02",
        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/creditset/2/",
        version: "1.0"


Property Description
categories The list of category objects in this creditset and their URIs
release date The date this version of STARS was released
resource_uri The URI used to access this resource
version A string representation of the STARS version of this credits


Each Credit Set can contains several categories.

Object URI


Sample Output

        abbreviation: "ER",
        creditset: {
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/creditset/2/",
                version: "1.0"
        description: "<p>The Education &amp; Research category includes Co-Curricular Education, Curriculum, and Research sub-categories.</p>",
        include_in_report: true,
        include_in_score: true,
        ordinal: 0,
        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/category/1/",
        subcategories: [
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/subcategory/1/",
                        title: "Co-Curricular Education"
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/subcategory/3/",
                        title: "Curriculum"
                        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/subcategory/5/",
                        title: "Research"
        title: "Education & Research"


Property Description
abbreviation The short name for the category
creditset The parent creditset for this category
description An HTML formatted description of the category
include_in_report Indicates if this is displayed in public reports
include_in_score Indicates if the score for credits in this category factor in to the overall score
ordinal Used to order categories within a crediset
resource_uri The URI used to access this resource
subcategories Subcategories in this category and their URIs
title The name of the category


And Categories contain Subcategories

Object URI


Sample Output (truncated)

        category: {
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/category/1/",
                title: "Education & Research"
        credits: [
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/credit/1/",
                title: "Student Sustainability Educators Program"
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/credit/2/",
                title: "Student Sustainability Outreach Campaign"
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/credit/3/",
                title: "Sustainability in New Student Orientation"
        description: "<p>....</p>",
        ordinal: 0,
        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/subcategory/1/",
        title: "Co-Curricular Education"


Property Description
category The parent category for this subcategory
credits Credits in this subcategory and their URIs
description An HTML formatted description of this subcategory
ordinal Used to order subcategories within a category
resource_uri The URI used to access this resource
title The name of this subcategory


And Subcategories contain Credits.

Object URI


Sample Output (truncated)

        applicability: "<p>This credit applies to all institutions.</p>",
        criteria: "...",
        documentation_fields: [
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/field/2/",
                title: "Total number of degree-seeking students enrolled at the institution"
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/field/26/",
                title: "Program name (1st program)"
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/field/30/",
                title: "Number of students served by the program (1st program)"
        identifier: "ER-1",
        measurement: "...",
        ordinal: 0,
        point_value: 5,
        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/credit/1/",
        scoring: "...",
        subcategory: {
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/subcategory/1/",
                title: "Co-Curricular Education"
        title: "Student Sustainability Educators Program",
        type: "t1"


Property Description
applicability HTML formatted text describing the applicability of this credit
criteria HTML formatted text describing the criteria for this credit
documentation_fields The list of documentation fields in this credit along with their URIs
identifier A short name for this credit
measurement HTML formatted text describing the measurements used in this credit
ordinal An integer used to order credits within a subcategory
point_value The amount of points this credit is worth
resource_uri The URI used to access this resource
scoring HTML formatted text describing how this credit is scored
subcategory The parent subcategory for this credit
title The full name of this credit
type The type, tier 1 or tier 2 of this credit

Documentation Fields

Each credit is made up of Documentation Fields that can be accessed individually.

Object URI


Sample Output

        credit: {
                resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/credit/1/",
                title: "Student Sustainability Educators Program"
        inline_help_text: "",
        max_range: 500000,
        min_range: 0,
        ordinal: 0,
        required: "req",
        resource_uri: "/api/0.1/credits/field/2/",
        title: "Total number of degree-seeking students enrolled at the institution",
        tooltip_help_text: "",
        type: "numeric"


Property Description
credit The parent credit for this documenation field and its URI
inline_help_text Text that appears beside this field in the tool
max_range The max value of this field for integer fields only
min_range The min value of this field for integer fields only
ordinal An integer used to order fields within a credit
required req: Required or opt: Optional or cond: Conditionally Required (based on other fields)
resource_uri The URI for this resource
title The title of this field
tooltip_help_text Text that appears as a pop-up icon beside the field in the Reporting Tool
type The response type: ‘text’, ‘long_text’, ‘numeric’, ‘boolean’, ‘choice’, ‘multichoice’, ‘url’, ‘date’, ‘upload’